Floristics and land use mapping of Parque Ecológico Sucupira, Planaltina, DF, Brazil
Native flora, Conservation Unit, land use and cover, degraded area, exotic speciesAbstract
The Parque Ecológico Sucupira (SEP) is a Sustainable Use Conservation Unit covering 31.09 hectares, located in the Planaltina Administrative Region, Distrito Federal its flora is typical of the cerrado sensu stricto. The study aimed to make available knowledge of the native species and the conservation status of SEP to support management and conservation programs. Collections were made over a period of 12 months through random walking. Two to three samples of each woody plant individual with floral buds, flowers, and/or fruits were collected, as well as 3-4 individuals of herbaceous or small-sized plants. The collected specimens were deposited at Herbarium CEN and UB. Up to the present, 258 species have been sampled, represented by 180 genera and 63 families. The five most representative families were Fabaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Malpighiaceae, and Myrtaceae. The proportion of species from herbaceous-shrub habit compared to arboreal was 6:1 highlighting greater floristic richness in the herbaceous-shrub stratum. Furthermore, it was found that only one species occurring in SEP, Anemopaegma arvense, is classified as endangered. Approximately 40% of SEP's flora is endemic to the country. However, several factors threaten the integrity and compromise the biodiversity of the Park, such as land tenure, pressure from surrounding occupation, and invasion by exotic species.
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