Phytogeography of South American savannas




Biogeography, Cerrado, Chaco, Pantanal, vegetation, Llanos, southern savannas, northern savannas


South American savannas represent between 8 to 10% of the global savanna cover. In South America they disjointly cover more than 2,29 million square kilometres and represent the wettest and most biodiverse spectrum of global savannas. South American savannas have a considerable degree of endemism. Its climatic characteristics and species composition are strongly influenced by neighbouring biomes, in particular the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. South American savannas occur on soils that vary from sandy to clayey, at altitudes from almost sea level to above 2,000 meters, and in fragments as small as 50 km2 to immense extensions such as those occurring in the central Brazilian plateau. Many of these savannas are subject to periodic flooding, which makes them particularly unique in their dynamics. This review presents a wide set of information about the savannas occurring in the South American continent, from their main climatic characteristics, soil types, most common plant species and functional attributes. Much of this information is organized in tables, facilitating the access to specific set of data. Related issues, such as the toxicity imposed by aluminium present in soils and the occurrence of forest and grassland formations within savanna areas are presented in a complementary way. This review seeks to cover a gap in the knowledge of savanna formations in South America and contributes to a better understanding of this important, complex, misunderstood and threatened ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Borghetti, F., Barbosa, E., Ribeiro, L., Ribeiro, J. F., Maciel, E., & Walter, B. M. T. (2023). Phytogeography of South American savannas. Heringeriana, 17(1), e918014.



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