Acoustic space partition by four syntopic Hylidae (Anura) in open habitat in Central Brazil
Cerrado, modelo nulo, estrutura de comunidades, canto de aní?ºncioResumo
The use and partition of the acoustic space by anuran species are of special interest in evaluating inter-specific interactions in acoustic traits. Here we evaluate the acoustic space partitioning by four species of Hylidae at Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas, Distrito Federal, Central Brazil. The acoustic niche overlap among species was smaller than expected by chance, indicating low overlap in the use of the acoustic space by these species. The low overlap in call parameters found is related to their phylogenetic distances, suggesting that the acoustic space use in the Cerrado is determined mainly by historical factors than by ecological constraints in the acoustic overlap. On the other hand, the low overlap in call parameters suggests that the acoustic space in the Cerrado is shared by species of different hylid lineages.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Andréa Braga de Lira, Renata Duarte Alquezar, Aída Pereira Giozza, Emayre Rebecca dos Santos Campos, Antonio Gabriel Torres Cardoso, Reuber Albuquerque Brandão

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