Conspectus of the Melastomataceae Juss. in the Distrito Federal, Brazil




Myrtales, Cerrado, floristics, savanna, flora, Checklist


Melastomataceae is one of the most representative families of the Cerrado biome, with 33 genera and 513 species. The last published checklist of Melastomataceae for the Distrito Federal (DF) recorded 19 genera and 87 species as part of the Flora do Distrito Federal project in 2001. Since then, new molecular studies have brought many changes in generic and tribal circumscriptions, hence the importance of updating the taxonomic treatment of the family for the DF. The present Conspectus presents a dichotomous key covering the 18 genera and 89 species of Melastomataceae with confirmed occurrence in the DF. The habit, flower color, number of records in the DF, and most commonly recorded habitats are furnished, as well as images of 20 species.


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Como Citar

de Oliveira Lourenço, E. C., Barnes Proença, C. E., & Rodrigues Munhoz, C. B. (2022). Conspectus of the Melastomataceae Juss. in the Distrito Federal, Brazil. Heringeriana, 16(1), e917993.



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