Need for the implementation of Sustainable Management Plans for the Conservation of Araceae in Brazil
This article addresses the sustainable management of endangered ornamental plant species in Brazil. It highlights the legal framework allowing the harvest of fruits and seeds from natural forests, with regulations to protect species. In Espírito Santo, sustainable exploration plans include compensation actions for threatened palms. The ornamental trade of endangered species, particularly in the Araceae family, has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to illegal sales. Some local producers use traditional methods, like vegetative propagation and seed collection, to conserve these species. The article emphasizes the importance of combining local knowledge with scientific research for effective conservation. It also suggests using experimental farms and private reserves for sustainable research and promoting species with geographical indication seals to increase market value. This approach aims to support sustainable biodiversity use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luana S.B. Calazans, Rodrigo Theófilo Valadares, Alexandre Magno, Cassia Mônica Sakuragui
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