Population growth, biometrics and conchological variation of Iphigenia brasiliensis (Bivalvia: Donacidae) in Baía de Todos os Santos, Northeast Brazil
edible bivalve, population biometrics, population variation, temporal variation, tariobaAbstract
Iphigenia brasiliensis is a species of edible bivalve, source of subsistence for many communities in the Bahia coast, but little commercialized in the Brazilian Northeast region. Changes in the morphological characteristics of its shells and in the ratio of the weight of its flesh to the volume of its shell, among other parameters, may reflect the quality of the environment where they live. In this study, we associated the population growth, biometry and shell variation of I. brasiliensis to environmental conditions, in an estuary of Bahia, between November 2001 and November 2002. Monthly salinity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, rainfall and organisms were sampled, submitted to biometric variables, condition factor and analysed by descriptive statistics. The results showed that the mean length of the individuals (n = 356) was 50.2 mm, with a mean total weight of 21.45 g, mean wet weight of the soft parts of 5.12 g, mean shell weight of 13.54 g and mean yield of the soft parts of 25.46%. The coefficient of determination was more than 95%. I. brasiliensis population growth was positive allometric for the total weight x size relationship, and isometric growth for the soft parts weight x size relationship. The monthly variation of the condition factor showed the highest values in July/2002, agreeing with the result of the yield of soft parts. Thus, it is observed the importance of basic research on the biology of different populations of bivalves, as a subsidy to the culture of these species and to the improvement of the exploitation process of natural banks.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Patrícia Petitinga da Silva, Joicelene Regina Lima da Paz, Daiana de Jesus do Rosário, Marlene Campos Peso-Aguiar
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